Final Statement of the Arab Democratic Charter Conference

October 19–20, 2024

At this critical juncture, as the trajectory of the Arab Spring falters in our nations, and as democracy faces challenges on a global scale—even in its traditional strongholds—we witness the rise of populism and the far-right in various countries, along with the evolution of authoritarianism into unprecedented forms of strength and entrenchment, fueled by advancements in surveillance and influence technologies.

We, the Arab democrats committed to this charter, have come together to reflect on the path of democracy in our region and the efforts required to sustain the hope and action ignited by the democratic revolutions of the Arab Spring. Following in-depth discussions, we agreed on a shared vision for Arab democracy. This vision serves as a unifying framework that we pledge to advocate for and disseminate across cultural, social, and political domains, laying the groundwork for democracy to govern our states and societies.

The fundamental principles of this shared vision are as follows:

  1. The Historical Context of Democracy as a Liberation Movement

We view human history as a continuous struggle to build a society governed by values rather than primal instincts. This history can be summarized in four sequential and interconnected paths:

  1. The liberation of individuals from slavery, achieved through revolutions and civil wars.
  2. The emancipation of women from patriarchal ideologies through education and legislation.
  3. The liberation of peoples from colonialism via independence struggles.
  4. Finally, the liberation of peoples from authoritarianism.

Our battle for democracy is thus the latest chapter in this historical struggle to free the Arab individual from all forms of rights violations, as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

  1. Resisting Authoritarianism as an Act of Dignity

Our opposition to authoritarianism stems from its blatant disregard for the dignity of individuals and nations. Authoritarian regimes undermine intelligence, suppress rights, and rely on violence, propaganda, and sham elections to maintain control. They disregard institutions, laws, and norms, vilify opponents as traitors, and foster a culture of submission, psychological disorders, and self-loathing among their populations.

The demand for dignity—a rallying cry of all our revolutions—is the driving force behind the democratic project. Democracy is not merely a system of governance but a comprehensive process of emancipation from collective humiliation. It is the only path to transforming our people from submissive subjects into free, creative citizens who defend their rights and take responsibility without coercion.

  1. Core Values and Principles of Democracy

We fully embrace the primary objective shared by democratic parties and organizations worldwide: ending the violent struggle for power by transitioning peacefully through free and fair elections. This includes relying on civil, non-violent means to resolve ideological, intellectual, and political disputes.

We aim to uphold democracy’s core values, including:

  • Peaceful transfer of power.
  • Separation of powers.
  • Genuine popular participation.
  • Political and civil rights for individuals, including freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of belief, and the right to organize and protest peacefully.

Additionally, we emphasize:

  • Upholding citizens’ dignity within the rule of law and institutional frameworks.
  • Transparency, good governance, accountability, and combating corruption.
  • Ensuring people’s right to oversee their resources and participate in their management.
  • Equality and equal opportunities for all, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, or religion.

Beyond these universal principles, we Arabs have three specific objectives driving our commitment to democracy:

  1. Democracy as a Path to Liberation from Colonialism

Our history over the past century has shown that authoritarianism in the Arab world and colonialism are two sides of the same coin. Every Arab authoritarian regime is fundamentally a client of foreign powers—whether Western or non-Western—that protect and exploit it to maintain control over our people and resources.

Thus, democracy is not only a means to eliminate internal authoritarianism but also a continuation of our ancestors’ independence struggles. Our goal is to achieve true sovereignty and sever all forms of demeaning dependency. We also prioritize the unity of our nations, rejecting schemes of division and external intervention targeting our region.

  1. Democracy for Social Justice

Through experience, we understand that a democracy solely focused on political structures and obsessed with liberty—as framed by Western liberalism—cannot win the hearts and minds of our people. For us, the priority is eradicating poverty, combating corruption, fostering sustainable development, and ensuring equitable wealth distribution.

Therefore, we envision our democracy as both sovereign and socially just—where freedom serves social justice and social justice supports freedom.

  1. Democracy to Build Arab Solidarity

We are a great nation, proud of our history, identity, and civilization. Yet today, we witness the continued suffering of the Palestinian people due to the fragmentation of our region into 22 weak, dependent, and divided states.

This disunity stems from the nature of authoritarian regimes, which never unite but instead compete for dominance. We believe democracy, as demonstrated by the European Union, is the only way to build a union of free Arab peoples and independent states capable of defending our interests and legitimate rights.

  1. Overcoming Ideological Divides

We reaffirm that the true political divide today lies between democrats and authoritarians—not between progressives and conservatives, Islamists and secularists, or nationalists and internationalists. Authoritarianism embodies all the ills we resist: dependency, corruption, isolationism, and the rejection of our Arab and Islamic values.

In contrast, our democratic project revives our eternal demands for freedom, justice, and independence, utilizing modern tools to achieve a political system based on consultation—a cornerstone of our heritage.

We call for transcending outdated ideological divisions and uniting efforts under the banner of the “Arab Democratic Charter” to build a pluralistic political space that fulfills our shared dreams and advances a brighter future.


  1. Rejecting Misinterpretations of Democracy

We distinguish between Western governments that support Zionism and Arab authoritarianism and democracy as a set of values and ideals. We appreciate the stance of Western democratic forces that stood by our people in Gaza, even as the masses in Arab and Islamic nations remained absent.

However, we firmly reject any dependency on the policies of governments that demonstrate double standards. While the Western democratic model remains the most effective in combating authoritarianism, it is not without flaws. History shows how easily anti-democratic forces can exploit democratic tools—such as elections and free speech—to undermine democracy itself.


  1. A Call for a Unified Democratic Effort

We commit to developing a robust democratic model that transcends formalities and embodies the essence of democracy. We invite all progressive forces sharing our vision of comprehensive liberation to join this charter, enrich it, and integrate it into their cultural, societal, and political struggles against authoritarianism.

We also pledge to intensify coordination among Arab democratic movements and exchange expertise to counter the unified operations of those who thwarted the Arab Spring. Additionally, we will collaborate with global democratic forces to confront the growing transnational threat of authoritarianism.

  1. Our Commitment to Arab Democracy

Under this charter, we pledge to fight for an Arab democracy that is inclusive, sovereign, federal, and socially just. Its ultimate goal is to establish states governed by law and institutions, where citizens are fully respected for their individual, political, social, and economic rights, as well as their cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity.

Our enduring motto: Even if authoritarianism wins a thousand battles, we are determined to win the war.
