Statement : Commending the Universal Periodic Review Team’s Report on Human Rights in Jordan

The Arab Council Foundation appreciates the efforts of the Universal Periodic Review Team within the Human Rights Council regarding its report presented to the United Nations General Assembly on the human rights situation in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The report stood out for its credibility and comprehensiveness.

The Foundation is honored to have the Universal Periodic Review Team rely on the report we submitted as a primary source of information, notably referenced on five different occasions in the team’s report. This recognition reflects the importance of our contributions and the effective role the Foundation plays in conveying information and highlighting human rights issues in Jordan and across the Arab world.

The Foundation emphasizes the significance of civil society participation as an active partner in monitoring and evaluating human rights conditions. Civil society engagement enhances transparency and contributes to achieving sustainable progress in the field of human rights.

The Foundation considers the collaboration between the international team and civil society in Jordan as a crucial step towards enhancing a comprehensive understanding of human rights and encouraging sustained efforts to improve the situation in this field.

We reaffirm our continued support for the team’s efforts and express our eagerness to maintain fruitful collaboration in the future, aiming for sustainable progress in the field of human rights and the promotion of justice throughout the region.

Arab Council Foundation
